Amazon sues over 1000 fake reviewers for misleading and inauthentic reviews


Amazon has sued over 1000 people for writing fake reviews. The lawsuit filed in Seattle, Washington says that false reviews damage the brand reputation with ‘misleading and inauthentic’ information.
According to BBC news, the company has sued nearly 1,114 people. The move isn’t new though. Back in April, Amazon had sued a few websites for selling fake reviews.

“Amazon says the 1,114 defendants, termed “John Does” as the company does not yet know their real names, offer a false review service for as little as $5 (£3.24) on the website, with most promising five-star reviews for a seller’s products,” the report adds.

Amazon reportedly conducted an investigation which revealed some people were buying fake customer reviews on Fiverr that promised five-star ratings. However, Amazon has sued the people and not Fiverr. According to Amazon, Fiverr isn’t a defendant and working with Amazon to resolve the issue.

With this move, Amazon is trying to protect its customers from giving into false reviews and buying a product that is misguided by reviews. It should be noted that anyone can write a review for a product sold on Amazon’s online store, whether a customer or not, but paid or fictional reviews are illegal as per company’s rules.