To use Android devices as Host, a USB OTG (On-The-Go) cable is needed, to be connected to Android side.
I'm do some exercise on Android USB Host Mode, here is the list of the related posts.
- List attached USB devices in USB Host mode
- List UsbDevice, UsbInterface and UsbEndpoint in USB Host mode
- Read iManufacturer and iProduct of USB Device from raw Device Descriptors
- Search USB device for specified Vendor ID and Product ID
- Use intent filter to detect a specified USB device and auto start application
- cat /system/etc/permissions/handheld_core_hardware.xml on your Android device
- Get type and direction of UsbEndpoint
- Search UsbInterface and UsbEndpoint, of USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK type, with both USB_DIR_OUT and USB_DIR_IN
- Send Hello to Arduino from Android in USB Host Mode
- Android send command to Arduino in USB Host mode
- Check idVendor and idProduct of USB device, in Ubuntu
- Setup Android Debug Bridge (adb) for Wifi debug
- Send String from Android to Arduino Uno, in USB Host Mode