[BUILT] AOSPA / Paranoid Android For Huawei Honor Holly [6.0.1][MT6582]

We are launching brand spanking fresh. All new features. New team members. New everything and we have made sure that everything that we are releasing has been polished to our best.

A lot went into this version of Paranoid Android, specially on the CAF side (OnePlus / Non-nexus devices). We ship with custom in-house kernels tweaked to provide the best power-battery combo, new functionalities and designs for hardware-specific options like the alert slider and advanced controls just for OnePlus devices - so feel pretty.

The main features and enhancements that you will probably end up noticing are our custom Quick Settings tile reordering functionality, floating window support, immersive mode, the new on-the-spot interface and CM Theme Engine. There's much more to come, so sit tight!

Feature highlights

Floating mode
Immersive mode
On-the-spot controls
Quick settings re-order
Paranoid OTA (Updates)
Battery styles
Advanced power dialog
Quick pull-down
Theme engine


As we're getting back into the thread game, keeping up with threads and updating them as per changelogs can be too hectic given our schedule. However, very detailed changelogs always go up on our Google+ page, follow us for constant updates!

Instructions & requirements

We highly recommend you to follow these instructions very carefully. Users usually tend to skip a few steps and eventually fall in trouble. Are you with me? Good. Let's get this train going.

Just a few things to keep in mind first -
If you're coming from another ROM / Stock, your system data (not internal storage) will have to be wiped. This includes apps, accounts, messages, call logs etc.
There's been some users complaining about different GAPPS variants messing up installs and causing a ton of issues. Upon investigating it seems OpenGapps Mini/Nano and Banks GAPPS work best.
Understand that Paranoid Android is a custom ROM and it might lead to addiction as it's relatively good. We shouldn't be accused of anything just incase your cat starts drinking wine. Things get a little woozy in the Paranoid World.
Some brain might be involved if things go wrong. Not a lot though, as much to solve what's 1+1.
Okay let's get to the main bit -
Once you have all the required files - boot into recovery and wipe the bananas out of your device. Get into the wipe menu and wipe data, system, cache and dalvik cache (basically everything except Internal Storage).
Once wiped, get into the "Install from zip" menu and select the ROM zip. (pa_bacon_6.x...). Once added to the install queue, TWRP will ask you if you want to add more zips into the queue - Click on "add more zips" and select the GAPPS package.
Swipe the bar on the bottom to flash/install zips. Once both zips are done installing - Reboot into system and set-up your device, do not do anything else.
Once you're done setting up your device - well that's when you're done. One thing though - Make sure you DO NOT INSTALL any other zip in the same queue as the ROM & GAPPS. Meaning, do not flash anything like a kernel or a root package while installing the ROM. We recommend you do that AFTER you're done setting up your device.

Download : Click Here :P

Credits :

Ferhung- MT6582 GOD
Fire855- MT6592 GOD
Sergey Kochetoff- For GPS fix
Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgad- For video rec Fix
Aniruddha Adhikary- For USSD Fix
Varun Chitre
Kishan- For building it for Holly
Aboothair - For Testing and fixing bugs
Team HRP- Kishan,Suhail,Hemant,Krishna,Ismail,Aboothair,Omar

[PORT] FlyMe OS Beta For Huawei Honor Holly [5.1.1]

System :
Removed GMS from the system.
(Users caninstall them from Hot Apps)
Added a feature to take long screenshots.
(Long press volume key and power buttons)
Added a Weather app.
Added Hot Apps.
Added App Store.
Optimized the home screen layout.
Improved the system translations.
Added multiwindow support for more apps.

System update :
Added support of overnight update
SetupWizard :
Added a setting item for users to select their country or region.
Optimized the Setup Wizard.

Lock screen :
Corrected a lock screen error caused bythird-party apps.
Fixed a failure to dismiss an alarm fromthe Lock screen.
Added a feature to allow accidental touchrejection when the locked screen is waken up.
Reduced the time to launch the camera fromthe Lock screen.
Adjusted the unlock prompt at the bottom ofthe Lock screen so that it will be hidden when an album cover art is shown onthe screen.

Settings :
Added a configuration option to displaylarger icons on the Home screen.
Added new toggles for VPN, screenshot,hotspot, etc. in Notification bar;
Added WLAN Doctor to WLAN page in Settingsto enhance the security of the network;
When using 2 SIMs, users can set differentringtones for each SIM;

Security :
Added ‘USB installation manager’ inPermissions to avoid unauthorized installation of apps via USB cable;
Added a ‘Clean similar photos’ feature toPurifier in Security to release phone storage;

Home screen :
Optimized the icons display on Home screen;
Optimized the cursor when edit an appfolder. The cursor color will dynamically change according to wallpaper color;
Optimized the icon size for Bluetoothkeyboard on notification bar;

User Center :
Added User Center.

Communications :
Added a “title” field to contactinformation.
Added a new feature to copy a number by tapping and holding a call log.

Gallery :

Added a feature for users to save an edited photo as a new image. 


  • Mohamed Ismail [ for Porting ]
  • Team HRP
  • Flyme Team
Gapps : Download 
 Select [ ARM 5.1 Pico ] for Gapps

[TUTORIAL] Flyme Tools For Flyme Os

Flyme Tools

Flyme Tools is an Xposed Module which is similar to Gravity Box. Flyme Tools is a tool for customerization in Flyme Os.

Steps to use Flyme Tools

Step 1 : Install xposed installer apk
Step 2 : Flash xposed Framework via Philz/Twrp Recovery
Step 3 : Install Flyme Tools apk
Step 4 : Open Xposed Installer and enable Flyme Tools in it and restart the device

-------- Always Give root Permission to all the above apps --------

Credits :

Blue cat - взлом

namok o95 - взлом

Kishan Patel [For Making Tutorial]

[ROM] Better Stock Ultimate ROM for HAUWEI HONOR HOLLY (MT6582)

  Better Stock Ultimate ROM



  • Dolby Digital Sound for best sound quality
  • Dolby Digital working in all music players including stock player, mx player, games.
  • 8 MP camera
  • Deodexed and zipaligned for better RAM management
  • init.d support added
  • Greenify version 2.5.1 added
  • Reverie smartpad for regional language support
  • All apps are updated
  • Lollipop icons
  • Rooted with Kinguser
  • Permanent OTG support
  • Based on Stock KitKat 4.4.2 ROM of Micromax A120
  • No Bugs found


  • Swapnil Pardeshi(Porting for HHH)
  • Team HRP
  • aki_007, Riyono and Ocoot @XDA (for Dolby Digital)
  • XDA forum and google for various guides/solutions
  • Qamrul Haque 
  • Thread Link

Download Links: 

Google Drive Links


 Dev Host Links 






  • KitKat Original Features
  • Dual 3G
  • Deodex
  • Init-d
  • Tweak Prformance
  • Smooth & Fast Scrolling
  • Fast Loading Menu and Apps
  • Replacing with All App from ASUS
  • Rooted
  • Better Network /Data Speed


  • Muhammad Waqas Hameed (HHH Legend) (Porter of Old Version)
  • Swapnil Pardeshi (Porter of Latest Version)
  • Team HRP

Download Links: 


Old Version of the ROM --> Download  
Latest Version -->  G-Drive /  Dev Host




[PORT] GLOBAL STABLE MIUI [KHDMIDG] For Huawei Honor Holly [MT6582]

The MIUI Global Stable ROM for Huawei Honor Holly U19 all MIUI 8 features including scrolling screenshot, quick ball, many fixes and optimizations. You can Download MIUI Global Stable ROM.

MIUI Changelog :–

  • Highlights
    New – App lock: Unlock all apps at once (06-23)
    New – Saved and available Wi-Fi networks appear first in the list (07-05)
    New – After a permission is restricted, a clickable notification is sent to the user which can restore permissions (07-05)
    New – Automatic adjustments for photos when sharing (07-19)
    New – Delete photos from device only when browsing offline albums (07-27)

  • System
    Optimization – Algorithms for using mobile data by multiple SIM cards (09-19)
    Fix – Couldn’t open downloaded items in some cases (09-19)

  • Phone
    Fix – Couldn’t connect to mobile networks during the outgoing call (09-19)

  • Messaging
    New – Sound for delivered messages in the Settings (07-16)

  • Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar
    New – Animation for successful Wi-Fi connection (07-07)
    Optimization – Floating notification format for incoming calls (06-22)
    Optimization – Separate sound and vibration permissions for notifications (07-07)
    Optimization – Buttons in the Notification shade (09-19)
    Fix – Errors on Wi-Fi details page (06-22)
    Fix – Accessibility for Home screen (07-22)

  • Home screen
    Optimization – Landscape mode for Task manager (07-08)
    Optimization – Task Manager stability (07-13)
    Optimization – UI details in Task Manager (07-22)

  • Gallery
    New – Automatic adjustments for photos when sharing (07-21)
    New – Delete photos from device only when browsing offline albums (07-26)

  • Weather
    Optimization – Templates for different weather conditions (09-19)
    Fix – FC issues when viewing weather info (09-19)

  • Settings
    New – Saved and available Wi-Fi networks appear first in the list (07-05)

  • File Explorer
    Fix – Couldn’t see files saved from dual apps (06-28)

  • Clock / Calculator
    New – Duplicating alarms in First and Second spaces. Set an alarm in First space, turn off in Second space (07-27)
    Optimization – Improved order for frequently used settings (07-01)

  • Quick Ball
    New – Tap gesture for Quick ball (06-30)


 Error 404! It's Bugless

    • XIAOMI
    • Team HRP
    ROM : Download
    HotSpot Fix : Download

    GAPPS : Download
    [ Select ARM 4.4 Pico ]
    Flash SUPER_SU.ZIP

    [BUILT][CAF] Halogen Os For Huawei Honor Holly [6.0.1][MT6582]

    Android, Reimagined.
    For the best experience, view the thread on a web browser like Chromium or Firefox.
    Desktop: Brilliant. Mobile: Good. Tapatalk: OK. XDA-Labs: Horrible.

     • Your warranty is now void.
    • I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
    • thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
    • do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
    • before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
    • you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
    • Ayy lmao M8.
     • Just kidding! As long as you are responsible, some companies such as OnePlus
    • WILL HONOR IT. Some people occasionally describe them as heroes.
    • Don't be stupid and bet on that though, please be responsible for what you do.
    • We prohibit you from overclocking to 1337GHz thinking, that an OEM would
    • replace your glorious space heater etc.
    • We recommend you to take the advice above regardless.

    halogenOS Checklist
    Although no data should be lost or damaged by the flashing process,
    we advise you to follow the following steps.

    This is a ROM that is currently in an beta state.


    Remember that in the worst case scenario things can go wrong,
    this factors the fact that ROM has been fully stable and meets our
    most complete expectations thus far.

    Please do some research if you have any concerns about this ROM before flashing it!

    If you want to report bugs or request features, use our great Mantis Bug Tracker for that! In that way we are able to quickly fix bugs and add features. You can use the XDA feature request/bug report tool if you prefer that.

    XOS is a new generation cutting-edge OS for Android based on Code Aurora Forum releases.

    What is XOS?
    halogenOS, also known as XOS is a new Android ROM which ships with the global aim to
    become a modular ROM which keeps as high as potentially possible operating
    performance on your mobile device while still maintaining a sufficient feature
    base of nice, small and minimal features that would not be available via any
    external feature base, extension, mod or plugin.

    We hope you have a truly halogenified experience!

    Internals of XOS
    At core, the ROM is composed mainly of components from CodeAuroraForums (CAF),
    minor components of AOSP-CAF, featuring only extremely minor set of components
    from CyanogenMod (CM) which have been added to source in order to allow for 
    better cross-device compatibility.

    Our LOVE to others
    A huge thanks goes to those behind the CodeAuroraForums (CAF), the developers
    behind the AOSP-CAF project and the CyanogenMod organisation and all of its
    contributors for the sources used in the development of the base ROM which we
    started with inclusive of all the work and dedication their team puts in order to
    keep us updated on the awesome contributions that they make.

    We will be keen on ensuring that we be up to date with the code from our base sources,
    with regular ROM updates hopefully coming from time to time.

    Please do not ask for ETA's (else you shall be spooked by Mr Skeltal). Almost all of us are
    students, and with the current lifestyles and routines we have, it is not that easy to acquire
    time to develop the ROM, though we'll be sure to keep you updated and release OTAs as
    soon as they are available and ready for publication. If you want to be really updated quick,
    then join us on Telegram: http://bit.ly/halogenOSTgram

    Visit our website for features such as: Downloads, Information etc.
    (Not finished yet)

    ROM Download Link

    Huawei Honor Holly

    ROM Sources
    All sources incl. ROM, Kernel, Trees @ halogenOS GitHub Organisation.

    Krexus CAF
    And everyone else who contributed and everyone who was a help for us!
    Ferhung- MT6582 GOD
    Fire855- MT6592 GOD
    Sergey Kochetoff- For GPS fix
    Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgad- For video rec Fix
    Aniruddha Adhikary- For USSD Fix
    Varun Chitre
    Kishan- For building it for Holly
    Ako Si Ken - For Testing and fixing bugs
    Team HRP- Kishan,Suhail,Hemant,Krishna,Ismail,Aboothair,Omar